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As someone mentioned earlier, there is a syndrome known as cutaneous adherence syndrome, which has really only been examined in patients who were being treated for prostate cancer. However, that treatment is partially hormonal and partially antifungal, so I wonder if in some cases this sticky skin issue is related to a change in hormone levels. As another person mentioned, it is sometimes correlated with mold exposure as well. I found links to articles that mention this syndrome: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/adis/dsf/1999/00000020/00000005/art00005, http://journals.lww.com/smajournalonline/Citation/1994/08792/Dermatology.7.aspx, and http://rommet.com/KAD/pcngcincinnati/chemo/High%20Dose%20Ketoconazole_PCRI%20insights.pdf.

This doesn't answer questions, but you could print these out, take them to a dermatologist and perhaps get them to take you seriously.

June 23, 2010 - 7:03am


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