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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Now, isn't that interesting? You may have something there.

First... i want to point out that after my shower, i only used a cloth towel to dry, and i STILL had stickiness, so it's definitely NOT just with paper. And i'm sure the others on here, who have had this for a long time, would know by now if it was just with paper, so i'm pretty sure it isn't that.

HOWEVER.... you may have found something else of interest. When i listed all the things i had come into contact with, i was thinking in terms of things that would carry fungus or disease. I didn't mention my shirt or the sink faucet or the paper towels. But since you brought it up, i DID wipe the first few times with paper towels. This is far-fetched, but i guess whatever is affecting us could have been in the paper towels and then released to our hands. It would be really weird, yet that is a possible pattern, since i also did first notice it just after using paper towels to wipe.

What i am trying to recall is whether i was using cheap towels at the time. We had, indeed, bought some cheap paper towels, but just ran out, and i am having a hard time remembering if i was using the end of the cheap roll, or the beginning of the Bounty roll when i discovered i had this.

No matter what, i later used cloth towels for washing my face and eye, and i still had the stickies... so it's not JUST when using a paper towel... but i guess we need to look at whether it's somehow related to paper towels. Maybe whatever you are getting from your paper towels causes the skin to be in the condition that causes stickiness...and at least that would be a help for those who are getting this from internal triggers. Again, someone needs to find out what causes skin to be sticky!!! (I have images of us turning into little spidermen and able to scale buildings with this!!! LOL In fact, i thought i recalled reading a science article where they have identified some chemicals that will do this with skin...gotta look for that)

If there is someone else who has the *topical* version of this (not internal version), and never uses paper towels, that would eliminate paper towels as a trigger. Please speak up if you are one of those.

capt flint

August 21, 2010 - 10:14am


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