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I also have this sticky skin symptom. It started August 21st and still remains. It originally started with my hands when exposed to water would wrinkle and prune super fast and tiny holes like pores would appear but when I would remove my hands from water this would fade away after 20 minutes or so. August 21st my hand symptoms did not fade after showering and I looked this up and read it was called aquagenic wrinkling and read that it was associated with cystic fibrosis. I then became extremely anxious as I have hypochondria and anxiety, and began feeling I had cystic fibrosis and my hands and feet started to sweat uncontrollably.

My skin took on a new texture ever since my skin started sweating this way. The sweating has stopped (I was tested for CF and it was negative and have had other blood tests which all came back normal) although the sweating has stopped I have a stickiness that never washes off my hands and feet and it seems to be on my face now as well as behind my knees and the inside of the elbow, groin and my hair even feels waxy and rubbery though I'm not sure if this is because my hands feel this way and everything I touch feels rubbery now. It is like a rubbery feeling that worsens with water. For me, it never goes 100% away but if I air my hands out in the wind they feel slightly better but they still feel like there is a film or coating of stickiness on them. It does not wash off no matter what and it seems to be spreading.

All my doctors think it's all in my head, I have started therapy and am told its just sweat like I'm an idiot and I don't know what sweat feels like. This feels like my body was dipped in honey, like theres a thin coating of honey or jelly all over my hands, feet, face, etc. I can feel it on my lips, my lips feel waxy and I feel like its inside my mouth and I have these blister like bumps in my throat. I feel like this is even causing vaginal problems as well. I agree with someone that this feels like it can be almost internal.

This is driving me crazy, I have a lot of other symptoms such as bowel movement problems, weight loss problems, etc. All the doctors I've seen think it is my hypochondria but I KNOW my skin is not in my head. I can't stand this much longer, it is the worst feeling ever. I feel sticky and dirty every second all the time. I'm even afraid to come into contact with water. My eyelids feel sticky. Lotion doesn't blend into my skin, my foundation just sits on my skin. I don't know what to do anymore as doctors don't seem to be of much help.

Its not related to medications for me as this started before I was on any. I thought this was related to the sweating as I was sweating excessively and my original theory was that my skin on my hands and feet were affected from the excessive sweating but now that its on other areas of my body I don't think this is the case anymore.

My family doesn't believe me and its so frustrating to know there is something wrong but no one sees it/feels it/or believes you. One thing that I notice is different with my case from some other posts on here is that when people feel my skin they say it does not feel sticky. But it is, when I touch things it sticks.

I know I have sweating problems, I think I have hyperhidrosis and I have always suffered from sweaty palms and feet but never had this problem and its horrible. Could this be related to sweating? Does anyone else have sweating problems? I'm really worried this is related to a bigger underlying condition. I don't know what to do anymore. i just wish it would go away, I can't take this feeling much longer. I feel like its inside my mouth and spreading internally.

September 25, 2010 - 2:17pm


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