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Anonymous (reply to Pat Elliott)

Hello everyone. This is Diane. In a couple of weeks im going back to the dermatologist & I will let you know what he says the next step to take will be since labs proved stickiness wasn't from too much vitamin A or a thyroid disorder. Sticky mess I tried sensitive skin dove and had allergic reaction to soap. Im thankful it was contained to tingling in my mouth but nonetheless it caused me alarm! After washing my face with that soap I flossed my teeth so I'm assuming the EDTA (preservative) which was still on my hands while they were in my mouth caused the entire mouth/tongue and back of my throat to tingle. I was panicked. I immediately went back to my ivory soap. As much as i want to give up the ivory, for now im not rocking the boat. No improvements and nothing worse to report. Im passing along a website "Know the cause.com" I watch this Doug Kaufman on TV in the early morning and he talks about yeast and the negative effect it has on our bodies. He claims theres a yeast connection with cancer. He has written books on the matter and talks about taking Diflucan (a drug that is helpful when you have yeast infections). "Sticky mess" go on the website and maybe order one of his books or ask your library to order the book for the library and then just take it out on loan. Supposedly (he claims) the diflucan and another drug taken together can knock the yeast out. Im fearful of drugs since i react negatively to just about all of them and i do know the drug reactions i get are a result of the yeast in ones own body. I know someone who was worse than me and when she went on a yeast free diet for approximately 3 months she was and still is able to eat any food she wants to now. she is also able to tolerate more antibotics if she ever needs them. There definitely is a connection. I hope you trust your gyn because you could have fibroids causing your pelvic pain and unless you get an abdominal sonogram you can't rule out fibroids as a cause for your pain. If you have a bacterial infection or your PH is off in your vaginal area then you can request going on "Cleocin suppostories" 100 mg 1once day for 3 days only and it will clear it up. Please look into the matter so you can obtain relief. This is no way to live your life. You were meant to enjoy and be pain free. Keep the faith.

November 21, 2010 - 11:24am


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