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EmpowHER Guest

To put salt on your food is also a health concern but most people refuse to talk about it?

Sodium hypochlorite (Clorox) is used in swimming pool, next to
chlorine dioxide (a gas that is added to swimming pool water, but must be made on the spot, because it is explosive, hence may not be

Every public swimming pool must be chlorinated, by law.

If you like to benefit from chlorinated water, and don't want to chlorinate your own (bath) water, than you can decide to go to a public swimming pool. Early in the morning the water is most saturated (with chlorine) and rather clean.

Sodium hypochlorite is also used to decontaminate drinking water in many parts of the world. The water is considered safe to drink if you can detect chlorine by smell.

Thus without much risk you can try out:


December 18, 2010 - 3:20pm


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