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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi everyone this is Diane: "Kacha" its 800 mg vit E once a day. I've been so preoccupied with other issues I have not started my own doctors advice yet! Test results are all normal he tested for Multiple sclerosis, Kidney functions, Iron binding, Thyroid Peroxidade AB, Vitamin B12 serum, Throglobulin AB, ANA IFA w/refl titer, Sjogrens AB interpretation and the other CBC stuff, platelets, Eosinophils etc. ALL Normal nothing even borderline. Good news and very thorough. I return to him in January and I better make sure I take the 800 mg vit E before I go back. He claims it will work Since it helped his patients. "Stickymess" I was sorry to read about MRSA. My sister had it because she got her toe amputated and got MRSA after surgery. She got IV therapy with Clindamycin at home for three months. I know you are allergic to clindamycin. Did not anyone suggest antibiotic therapy for your MRSA? I realize antibiotics are the last thing you need. I also didnt realize you took gadalonium contrast. I refused it once for an MRI because there are lawsuits surrounding the usage of gadalonium based contrasts. It can lead to kidney failure in suseptible individuals. I really wish you well with the diet and Im sorry you cant view "know the cause". Also stay away from mushroom as well as the corn. Please keep us posted.

December 20, 2010 - 4:11pm


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