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Anonymous (reply to a_sticky_mess)

Hello All: This is Diane: Just wanted everyone to know that even tho my doctor prescribed Vit E for me to use for sticky skin it may not be advisable for everyone to use. Consideration must be taken into account if someone is on other medications such as blood thinner. Vit E comes with side effects just like everything else. I went on a webside Buzzle.com:facts about Vit E and it stated "Regular intake of Vit E supplement in high doses may lead to bleeding disorders. It's advisable to take Vit E supplements under medical supervision especially if taking higher doses for a prolonged duration. Overdose symptoms are headache, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, heart problems. Vit E gets stored in fat tissue because its fat soluable and not eliminated, whereby side effects can occur". So people, please exercise caution when taking any supplements for that matter. Personally, I was scared off of even trying the supplement now since I have had a history of mild heart issues and feel if I take a chance and start Vit E I may be left with something far worse than the sticky skin. Sort of like a catch 22. The sticky skin may go away but what if I'm left dealing with something worse. I may not be entirely happy with the sticky issue yet it seems small scale compared to an allergic reaction I may encounter from taking a supplement Ive never taken before. I don't know what direction Im going in since I read side effects. For now Im staying prayerful about the matter. Everyone should do their research, get their doctors permission to use Vit E and find what works best for them. Take into consideration your overall health, daily medications and supplements you're on and proceed accordingly. For me, Im highly sensitive to just about everything and hesitant to try anything out of my normal intake. Im rejoicing my blood work is all normal therefore, im doing something right. Although the sticky skin may in fact clear up with the use of Vit E Im hesitant to find out at this point. "Stickymess" hope your getting better each day. Sorry you're dealing with a toxicity issue on top of everything else. Everything will be well with you soon, you'll see. Please remain hopeful and positive. Im extended my wishes for a very happy and healthy new year to everyone.

December 30, 2010 - 9:09am


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