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(reply to Anonymous)

Hello & happy new year! I'm desperate for some relief from my stickiness this year... mine isn't any worse, but it's not any better either. I'm trying to tackle a yeast free diet, but I keep slipping up with all of the sugary food temptations out there. Hopefully I can find the discipline somehow to stick to it & see if it helps.

My mom said she used to take E supplements for a while so I feel better about trying them. My other thought is that I could try to eat some foods containing Vitamin E instead? I'll let you know what I decide to do. Diane: you're truly an angel with your feedback on everything & your words of encouragement, and I couldn't get though all this without your help! I'm glad you're being cautious before trying something new as you definitely don't want to end up with any heart issues while trying to fix the stickiness. Please let me know if there's anything else you're going to try!

Thanks again for the suggestions from the Anonymous person regarding the chlorine baths & the link from Mayo Clinic. I'm afraid to soak in that strong of a chemical at home as I wouldn't want to aggrevate my symptoms, but I like the idea of swimming in a pool to see if the chlorine helps. I'm going to give it a try at an indoor pool and see how it goes.

Has anyone heard of a book online called 'How to Cure Candida' by Ryan Shea? http://www.howtocurecandida.com/index.htm He wrote the book after suffering from yeast related issues for years, and he says his strategies can cure all health issues. His video clip sounds very convincing, and I might order his book to get some pointers. With a money back guarantee, I'm thinking it might be worth a try to fix all of my health issues. Take care everyone and fill me in how you're doing!

January 11, 2011 - 10:18pm


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