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EmpowHER Guest

What some of you report about may be the orange//Pink colored
serratia marcescens

Its a bacterium with fungal like character, one that can be very dangerous (also called PInk Mold)

Sodium hypochlorite (Clorox) is a good and safe antiseptic.
Health problems you may experience can maybe be researched under the term: sick building syndrome.

Fungi are strange entities, and their presence can trigger all type
immune related issues based on components released into the atmosphere.

One way of checking out of an immune compromised state exists is by trying out an over the counter medicine listed as ceterizine.
If (skin/eyes/nose) allergies improve with this type medicine, you may be subject to a so called environmental trigger.

Serratia marcescens sits often in the calcified shower head, and in an around water taps (wet places). You are advised to replace the shower head, shower curtains and the last part of the water tap.

Also repeatedly clean bath tube and all places wet.
Attention: Not all strains produce the pink pigment that may color walls, toilet, bath etc.

Check also for black molds, and replace and/or clean all hard surfaces in the house including windows.

April 21, 2011 - 3:46am


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