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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous April 21... thanks so much for your helpful suggestions. It's much appreciated! Diane, please see my reply above.

I wanted to let all of you know that I've been able to get a little relief from my sticky skin in the shower. I bought some latex-free dish washing gloves at Home Depot (by caring hands) & I wear them while I wash my hair... either with my head tipped upside down in the shower or in the kitchen sink. This has worked well for me! I'm now able to avoid getting the shampoo & conditioner on my hands, and I don't have terrible sticky hands when I get out of the shower. I use a ponytail holder on each wrist to keep the gloves tight against my skin so shampoo & conditioner doesn't get inside the gloves. Just a helpful tip to pass along while dealing with the sticky skin issue. If you're going to try this, please find some dishwashing gloves that are right for your skin type. I wouldn't want anyone to be allergic to the latex-free ones that I use. I think they're made out of vinyl... they smell funny but they work well. Hope this helps other people!

April 23, 2011 - 9:54pm


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