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Hey friends! Welcome to the group, Chriz. Your input is a huge help. I can relate to your (4th) comment about bug bites! I've had what look like 'spider bites' on different areas of my body that come & go, and they turned out to be Staph Infection when my doctor cultured them. I wonder if Staph could be a possibility in your situation rather than mold??? A microbiologist told me that Mold, Serratia marcesens & other Bacteria"s can all look visibly red... you never know exactly what you're dealing with unless you have it tested. Can you PLEASE let me know if Staph shows up on any tests that you do??? I'm trying to find out if that is a common denominator for our sticky skin. My doc assumed I had yeast for a long time, but I found out later it was Staph. Both organisms look similar on your skin, but only labwork can give an exact diagnosis! Thanks and welcome to our group!!

May 23, 2011 - 9:02pm


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