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Anonymous (reply to a_sticky_mess)

to a_s_m,
I will absolutely keep you all posted regarding anything that I discover. FYI: I contacted Bounty...very nice and prompt reply, and they said that their BASIC paper towels, which I LOVE, do not contain any rosin or sodium benz.

"I'm sorry to hear that you've had a disappointing experience with the Bounty paper towel. Our goal is to produce high quality products that consistently delight our consumers and we regret this wasn't your experience. I certainly understand your frustration and you can be sure I'm sharing your comments with the rest of our team.

Also, the Bounty paper towels don't contain Rosin or Sodium Benzoate. They are comprised of Virgin Wood pulp, Wet Strength Polymer, Printing Ink for the printed paper towel, Adhesive and Ceteareth-10."

Maybe the reason why my hands are so sticky after using them is because they don't really dry them very well, which, before this started, was not a problem. I've switched, temporarily, to a more absorbent paper towel, but the issue remains, although, as we know, not as bad when hands are thoroughly dried. I also had a "bad outbreak" of sticky when using Fantastick with a paper towel. Wow did my hands get worse!! So I used Comet Cleanser on them again, and that helped to get me back to status quo (which is defined as wet in water-- hands feel a little slimy, damp--hands are sticky, dry--hands feel greasy as if lotion used recently and sometimes sticky in between base of fingers). ~Chriz

May 25, 2011 - 1:48am


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