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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi there! This is kacha. I´still sticky. Sorry to hear that you are, also. Im also ill with M.E and I don´t have that much energy to write often here. Nothing new to report, No help from allopatic doctors, I think maybee people just don´t have anything new to report.(sadly) Im sure many of us check in the minute there is something new written , Atleast I do, If I get any helpful info i promise to write here as soon as possible! Something that could help would be to have some sort of name here on the forum so that we can keep track on how many we are, And what different types of stickyness we have, triggers etc.... etc...Im still trying to put the puzzle together. Have you written here before? How long have you been sticky? Sincerely, Kacha

July 24, 2011 - 10:00am


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