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EmpowHER Guest

I took Fluoxetine (prozac) for 3 weeks and made the mistake of drinking an energy drink while I was one it. I had a lot of bad side effects from it and my hole body went numb I could hardly breath my heart slowed down really so an I couldnt even tell if my body was even workin cuz I couldnt feel anything from head to toe. I felt parilized an my vission was blury. i could here but couldnt respond it felt as if I was dead and it scared me. after the energy drink wore off I developed a tick jerks and jitters. kinda like my nerves were jumping but they went away after 2 weeks.I have been off the meds for 27 days now and my body still hurts. every musle is sore an I still have a little trouble breathing. I stay tired an want to do nothing but sleep all the time. I was told that the meds would b out of my system 99% in 25 days and its been longer than that and Im still geting the side effects. sometimes I dont want to even walk because it hurts to even move. what can I do and should I be concerned about the fact the side effects wont go away after the 25 days.

October 6, 2012 - 4:42pm


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