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(reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

Hmm.. I think I've felt like this for at the very least about 6 months...sadly. Everything you just said feels like it could be exactly whats going on... wow.
Any chance you have any advice as to why we keep fighting...and mor specifically why I seem to be the one who often picks majority of the fights? Sometimes I know if i say something it will cause an argument or at the very least agitate him...but I say it anyway? Other times I feel like it is absolutely justified for me to say w/e it is that I am saying but then mid fight I know that I am wrong but I just can't put an end to the fight admit Im wrong and make up...whhy??
Like I said before he truly is a good boyfriend... he deals with my craziness (the fighting)... he deals with the not having sex thing (but this is partly because he believes some of the cause is due to his actions as well as mine)... he will literally drop everything to ensure that I am happy (which sometimes just frustrates me bc I want him to be more assertive and 'manly' for lack of a better word)... and so on... so I just don't know what my deal is ? I feel so ungrateful, I should be thriulled to have someone like this in my life and I am , but no matter what theres always something-- do I just suck? or is there some root cause to all of this... ?
As to the medical comment- I have never really been checked out for this...but Im thinking I should really look into it now... I just feel like theres something wrong with me maybe medically.. maybe just emotionally idk but its crazy for a girl to not be happy with a guy as caring honest attentive and supportive as he is ..its just not right...ya know? (And I am not one of those girls that make her boyfriend out to be God, I do truly believe this ...and alot of the time I feel very undeserving to have someone like this who is so dedicated to me? I just don't want to lose him bc I can't overcome my issues, if we were to break up ideally I would love it to be just a mutual decision with no if ands or buts...but hey... I guess we would all want that now wouldnt we =//....BLA lol

I know theres probably no expert advice to this issue ...but honestly.. Ill take what I can get any outside genuine honest opinion is really all I am looking for. I just want to be good for him, and as good to him as he is to me. Why is this difficult- why do I always mess it up?

April 25, 2011 - 6:53pm


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