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Hi, erm... me and my boyfriend havn't had sex yet but we're experimenting kinda. It got to the point when he rubbed his penis against my clitoris and placed it right on the outside of my vagina. No entry. And then he said 'hang on' looked down and moved his penis away towards us and he came on my thigh. I'm pretty sure that he came all on my thigh and he says that too. But since then I've been getting paranoid that I could be pregnant. My periods supposed to be due round now and the end of the month and I've started to get bad cramps in my lower abdomen. No-one knows besides me and my boyfriend. Could I be pregnant? Or are these cramps signs that my periods about to come? It happened about 3 weeks ago and I'm due round now. Please reply, I need to know

September 23, 2010 - 12:31pm


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