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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I know some of the posts are really old, but hopefully I can help someone by sharing my experience. I was married for almost 8 years with exactly one of these partners that you describe here. I was 21 and he was 24 when we got married and bc of the culture and going to church thing we didn't have sex before marriage or any other type of sexual touching besides regular kissing. We got married and he was never into me. 8 years of bagging for sex exactly the same bs excuses. The problem was 4 months after marriage I caught him going to prostitutes. And all of the years he was on and off struggling with porn, prostitutes, accounts on hooking up sites, masturbating 5 times a day over Craigslist adds of prostitutes....I finally left him after 8 years. I never felt so humiliated and worthless. From my experience these men have some type of sexual addictions even if it's just masturbating. Training your brain to get arroused over porn or masturbation will leave you insensitive to the real thing. These men have no problem getting hard or wanting sex under the "right" conditions. The problem is we are not that. On top of that is the guilt and feeling disgusted by themselves. This is not normal ladies. These men are sick and will mess up with your self esteem big time, with your worth, your feminity, will make you torture yourself what's wrong with you and make you lose sleep and give you depression. They have some other stuff on the side that they deal with and don't want to be bothered. They are addicted to porn and other things besides normal like a man and a woman laying in bed next to each other cuddling and making out will turn them on.
Before I divorced my ex I found him on a hooking up site and got myself a fake profile and entertained him for over 18 hours straight with talking. So he told me in that conversation (thinking I'm just a hooker) that goes wife is good looking but is in his DNA to look for other women and all what he always wanted is to experience with all sort of different bodies. Here also said he's looking for quality sex (from the hookers ) and that he's very sexual and needs a lot of sex (although he seemed he never had sex on his mind while we were together). That was enough for me to go straight to court and divorce him.
After divorce I dated a lot of men who told me how good looking and smoking hot I am and built my self esteem. Now I'm with my boyfriend of 2 years and he always calls me "sexy beast" and princess and beautiful and sexy. Here just told me last night that he's very happy that he gets turned on by me as soon as he touches me or kisses me.
Living my ex was the best decision of my life. I have a special needs son with him and had no job and no nothing when I left him but I was so devastated I told myself I don't stay with him any minute longer even if I end up homeless. Well I never ended up homeless I got a degree in medical field since then and I met a very good man who now is my bf and he is a million times better looking than my ex and sexier with a 6 pack and defined muscles all over. My bf cherish me and praise me and gets involved in raising my special needs son.
Especially those of you who plan on marring these sexually unavailable men, make yourself a favor and think this through. If he s not attracted to you in your 20s or 30s he won't get turned on by you in your 50s. They battle their own demons and you are the one who pays the price. He's getting he's needs met some other way, I'm not saying he's physically cheating but he watches porn or masturbates or both our has his own fanthesis that you are not a part of. Don't waste your time with this kind of men. You are not getting more younger and more beautiful than this. if a man doesn't enjoy you now and appreciate you now he's not gonna write you poems 10 years down the road about how beautiful and sexy you are. As women we have needs and this is essential to us as the man we sleep with to praise us and think we are damn sexy. Begging for sex and feeling unwanted and insecure is not every woman's dream.
To want to have sex with your woman should be natural. Struggling with trying and forcing yourself to want it it's just a shame.

September 8, 2017 - 7:37am


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