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EmpowHER Guest

Hey girls,
I'm having a similar problem. I've had acupuncture done for a while now to regulate my periods. I've slowed down on them now because they've been pretty spot on.

I was fingered by my boyfriend a few weeks ago and my period was due a week ago, we were both careful and both of us are 99% sure he didn't touch himself then me. During that week my period was due I had a fever (which kept me bed ridden for two days) and then I had a migraine a few days after (which has previously been associated with my irregular periods and my iron deficiency) and last time I was sick similar to this I skipped the period or it came a few weeks after. I also have a grandparent in hospital and school work which has caused stress. I've been to the doctors (didn't tell them of what happened with my boyfriend) and they believe it's normal concidering my sickness and my stress. But my boyfriend has reassured me he didn't touch himself and I believe it (I was cautious during it) but I'm still worried I could be pregnant? I've also been very acne prone with chocolate and junk food cravings. Someone please help!

Thankyou xx

April 23, 2017 - 6:37am


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