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(reply to Anonymous)

Anytime you have unprotected sex there is a chance of pregnancy. It is a small chance if he did not ejaculate and intercourse was literally/honestly only 2 minutes. Specifically what it is called is sex using the "withdrawal method" which means you have sex and the man withdraws his penis before he ejaculates. This method of birth control is not very effective at preventing pregnancy...only about 70% (unless the couple is using this method consistently and correctly each time with practice).

Pre-ejaculatory fluid is present on the tip of a man's penis each time his penis becomes erect, irregardless if he has actually ejaculated recently or not-at-all. The act of his penis becoming erect causes the pre-ejaculatory fluid to occur, and this may/may not contain sperm.

Since you had unprotected sex today, you may want to go to the Pharmacy and use Plan B One Step, which can help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The sooner you use it, the more effective it is (I believe up to 80%) at preventing pregnancy. You must be either 16 or 17 years of age or older to purchase it, and do not need a prescription.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

April 29, 2010 - 1:25pm


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