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(reply to Diane Porter)

thanks diane... i'm not completely sure... just very glad that it finally stopped... i know that the acupuncture and herbs certainly settled it down eventually - at first right after the acupuncture treatment within that first week.. it really flared up bad and then came down and finally went away.. so, i think it was definitely a combination of the treatment along with herbs... i also don't wear make-up so i know it's not that for sure...

i've since have been doing some nutritional cleansing this past month which has helped on many fronts including dropping 19 pounds, etc... and gaining so much more energy and clarity, etc... which i'm really thrilled about.. i know i've been toxic for quite some time and finally finding a gentle cleanse program has been great - cuz i can actually get through it without feeling lousy like other cleanses i've tried... and i'm continuing the nutritional cleanse for another 30 days to further cleanse my body... my suspicion with all this is that i've been really toxic for quite some time and my body finally had had enough of it where it had to come out somehow... just a hunch... intuitition.... we all know our own bodies the best... and that's been my thought for some time....

it will be interesting to see what happens this spring here in Vancouver... and it's an early one too... where our flowers and trees are flowering like crazy... cuz that's when this all flared up last year... so far so good... and so, hopefully my body will get through this time without my eyes swelling... if it was any allergy or if it was truly my liver that was taxed or just toxcity... we'll see.. and i'll certainly update here for sure.......

i really appreciate all the feedback and dialogue going on here..... nice to know i'm not alone.. thank you all... and a happy belated international women's day to you all too (yesterday the 8th)......

blessings, carol :o) --- if anyone wants to give me a call to talk further about my story... my number is 778-855-9957....

March 9, 2010 - 9:20am


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