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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon,

Welcome to EmpowHer, and thank you for your question.

Most likely, first of all, the condom was wet because your girlfriend was lubricated while you were having sex. Condoms are made to handle ejaculation and you didn't see any breaks or tears in the condom, so I think you're probably fine there.

However, just in case, she took the Plan B pill. Sometimes women don't bleed at all, and others don't bleed until about a week after they take the pill.

Here's a good explanation of how Plan B works:


In answer to your other question, breast tenderness IS a side effect of Plan B. Here's the Plan B page on drugs.com. You can scroll down and see the list of possible side effects:


With all that you've said, I think her chances of being pregnant are very very low.

Does that help?

May 13, 2010 - 9:20am


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