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I received a flu shot, about a month ago (9/21/09), and am having a lot of shoulder pain, over and above the expected soreness at the injection site. I'm a nurse and I noticed, after I received the shot, that the site of the injection was very high on my arm, just at my shoulder joint (seemed way too high). I suspect the needle went in the joint. I have given flu shots before and never did I administer them this high on the arm! Since then I have had pain in my shoulder joint and upper arm. I have problems dressing and lifting even my purse to my shoulder. It is especially uncomfortable at night. The first few weeks I would wake up with pain and stiffness just from how my arm was positioned. Advil has helped as well as supporting my shoulder so that the arm doesn't hang and pull on the shoulder joint. I am doing light stretches and isometric exercises, to keep it from getting stiff. The exercises hurt, but afterwards, I feel a little less stiff and have more range of motion. I figure I will give it a couple more weeks then I will see my doctor about it, if I have no further improvement.

October 26, 2009 - 10:27am


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