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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I had the seasonal flu shot yesterday. The nurse gave me the shot very high up on my shoulder. When she gave me the shot it was a pain unlike anything I have ever felt. It felt like the needle was going into my shoulder joint. My whole upper arm was sore yesterday and today the only pain is in my shoulder joint. The joint pain is worse today than it was yesterday. I had to wash my hair with one hand and had a hard time getting dressed. I can not lift my arm or reach behind my back. Any movement of my shoulder hurts like the needle is still in there deep in the joint. It is a blinding pain that makes me loose focus on what I am looking at. I called the urgent care clinic where I got the shot, and the nurse told me it is normal for it to hurt. I understand that pain in the arm is normal. I had the H1N1 shot at the same clinic two weeks ago and had a lot of pain in my whole arm for three days. That was muscle pain, and I expected that. This is joint pain that I am having now, and it is terrible and isn't getting any better. The nurse I talked to today asked me if I fell or injured my shoulder in any way. I was fine when I went into the clinic for the shot and I came out with joint pain and can not use my left arm anymore. I am a mother of four children ages 1 to 7, and I babysit a two month old durring the day. I need to be able to use my arm to fuction, but because of a bad flu shot, I can't. My husband had to stay home from work today to help me with the babies, because I can't use my left arm. I don't know if the problem was the shot, or the nurse, but I hope it gets better soon.

November 6, 2009 - 12:01pm


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