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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks for the Guillian-Barre syndrome synopsis. What you left out of the text book defenition is that the Guillian-Barre symptoms sometimes remains local at the site of injection and do not progress to a full systemic reaction. Also, you don't seem to be listening to the reporters here. People are reporting feeling the serum entering their arm with negative effects from the serum, not the injection. People by and large are not reporting needle pain. In my case "it felt like" the serum was a metalic like toxin to my body and my body did not like it and the sensation was immediate.
It did not "feel like" a needle stick problem. "It felt like" a adverse reaction to a liquid. Many people are reporting same. Please tell us how many Dr.'s who specialize in adverse vaccine reactions have you shared these reports with?
If the experts in this field do not know what causes the reaction, please just state that fact, not try and run us around in cirlces.
Also we would like solutions for the pain. People's complaints here are real and we would like some direct and specific answers. "We don't know" is an acceptable answer. But so far, what I hear is, it's a muscle tear or trauma. People are trying to tell you that is not the case. If there are no solutions, please state that "no solution to your symptoms or the pain has been found at this time." Some clarity would be appreciated.
There are enough people at this site reporting similar subjective experiences that hypochondria can be rulled out and something else is going on.
Thank you in advance for whatever information you can or cannot find out.

February 8, 2010 - 3:49pm


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