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EmpowHER Guest

I was so glad to find these posts. I felt like a hypochondriac going to the doctor complaining about the pain in my shoulder. However many of the posts were about the flu shot. I had a tetnus and whopping cough shot since I just had my first grandchild. I have other health problems and regularly give myself shots. I mentioned to the woman that gave me the shot that I preferred it in my hip or thigh. She said there is too much fat there and she had to give it to me in my upper arm. I have never had a shot that high before. it was about an inch below my shoulder. Within an hour I could not raise my arm and have not been able to sleep on my left side for 5 weeks. Advil helps me get through the day but I still have limited movement and can't raise my arm to dry my hair or put a sweater over my head without a lot of discomfort. Through these posts i now realize that it was probably not the actual product but where the injection ended up.

May 12, 2011 - 4:04pm


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