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really need advice from someone fast because i think im going to go insane. Im 17 and i turned 17 on December 30th this year. I got my period on my birthday. Then me and my boyfriend were "fooling around" a few weeks after. He only stuck it in but he said he did not cum and he hardly moved he was just trying to get his penis to go in in vagina. I have never had sex before and so of course i feel so guilty and paranoid. but then on the 21st of January me and my boyfriend had sex but he was wearing a condom and he even pulled out when he came. But what im REALLY REALLY worried about is that im pregnant so i set up a period tracking account and it said that the day that my boyfriend stuck his penis inside but he said he didnt cum was when i was ovulating or fertile. Im 1 day late on my estimated period! Im so scared im pregnant! but ive been stressed out thinking Im pregnant for like i week so idk if thats why i missed it but i feel like im about to get my period ive had cramping and or like gas alot and i feel like ive had mood swings and my discharge stops and goes. What dose this mean?! am i pregnate or am i stressed and making myself freekout. Should i take a test?! When should I take a test. Could my period come on January 30th? or a week later because of my stress even though i fee like i could get my period soon. and my stomach always hurts. Whats wrong with me?! my sister has gone through sorta the same thing and told me to wait and i would probably get my period three weeks later like she did but i feel like mine is coming soon. am i feeling this way because im pregnant? Some PLEASE HELP! IM SO SCARED!

January 28, 2012 - 3:10pm


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