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About three weeks ago my boyfriend and I dry humped. He had on briefs and i am unsure if his jeans were zipped up or not. I am almost positive I had on a thong and I was about two-three days into my period so a tampon as well (if I remember that incorrectly then I had on regular panties and a pad which is even better so let's just go worse case scenario here with the thing and tampon) I also had a skirt on and I am unsure if that was covering my parts or not. He never ejaculated but there was a small circle of precum after the fact. I have read that so long as he peed since his last ejaculation, his precum should contain virtually little to no sperm (which he had peed since he last fully ejaculated). I noticed pink on my toilet paper about perhaps a week after the fact and again around two weeks after, but spotting when I am not on my period is not something I am a total stranger to I believe. I am stressing out so hard that I might be pregnant, I have been watching my body like a hawk now. From what I have read about early pregnancy symptoms, I have not noticed any. I am a little pudgy so I have been monitoring my stomach and weight which the feel and dynamic of my fat tummy literally dramatically changes every day normally and has continued to do so. I am just terrified, I could take a pregnancy test, but I think I am going to wait until my next period (which should come in about a week, but I understand stress effects it, so at this rate, I should get it in 2078 haha). Any advice or calming reassuring words would be nice. Thank you!

May 2, 2015 - 7:32am


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