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(reply to Anonymous)

Dear Anon,
I would not label this as outercourse... you were molested and I would go as far as calling this rape even though there was no penetration. I am so sorry you had to go through that as a child.
If your story had not mentioned being sexually abused as a child, then yes it is outercourse because there is no penetration but he molested you and more than likely would've penetrated if you hadn't kept your legs closed the entire time.
Have you received any help for this? Is this man in prison? How long ago was this? I ask the last question because I am a little confused... you said he molested you as a child, but you are asking if you should get tested now, so I'm curious as to how long ago it was. Have you been to a gynecologist since this happened?

Please keep us posted

November 20, 2010 - 2:44pm


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