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EmpowHER Guest

I too also have a clicking sound in my neck ( only when i turn it from left to right ).There is no pain but it's very annoying, i sometimes get muscle pain around that area. it happened all of a sudden one day, I have had it now for the past 7 months. I am the only one who can hear it, but on the odd occasion others can to.

I have been to the chiro a few times, but still the clicking is there. The chiropractor says that the clicking is due to the other muscles or joints etc around that area over compensating for weaker ones. He believes that it may have been a fall or a jolt in my early childhood that is only now coming to light. I have been getting massages as well as chiro sessions and am now thinking about trying acupuncture.


January 24, 2010 - 9:05pm


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