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EmpowHER Guest

I want to point out one thing. While lack of sex education is certainly a major factor, as well as all the reason cited in this post, there are other factors. I know a young woman, who had very little support from her family, an absentee father, little income of her own despite the fact that she works hard at a steady job, a high school education. She was also raped as a young girl. She was well aware of the risks and consequences of unprotected sex. She wanted very much to have a child. Because she wanted someone to love her, unconditionally. Because this was something she had never had, from her family or from the men in her life. She has a daughter now, and she loves that little girl very much and as far as I can tell, she is a wonderful devoted mother. For your consideration, is it possible that some of these girls wanted to be mothers for the same reason? I am not judging whether that young woman did a good thing or a bad thing... I'm just saying, if children were happy being children, they might not be in such a hurry to grow up.

December 21, 2009 - 4:09pm


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