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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

no, not "people these days." more like "abstinence-only education these days." yes, maybe they ARE "just plain ignorant," but that's not their fault, it's the fault of years and years of just-say-no sex education, from both schools and parents. adolescents and teens aren't being taught the risks, benefits, consequences, and implications of choosing to have sex. they're being taught "wait until marriage" and "keep your legs crossed." this mentality doesn't at all encompass the vast majority of people who 1. don't wait until marriage to have sex, 2. never get married, or 3. can't get married. not only is this deeply rooted in religious morals, but it's discriminatory and unrealistic. schools and parents should be teaching, as a previous commenter stated, harm reduction - how to use male/female condoms, birth control, how to practice safe oral sex, what to expect, etc. ALONG WITH some things that are already being taught, such as stds, stis, pregnancy, and parenting. giving the whole picture and resources to practice safe sex would DRASTICALLY lower the number of teen pregnancies.

December 21, 2009 - 10:26pm


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