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I am an SOAP (Survivor of Aspie parenting). My mother alienated herself and her offspring (by trash talking and implying a need for loyalty) from her in-laws and their relatives the generation older than she is, the same generation and now the grandchild generation. An interesting part of it is the extent to which she appears to have a limited number of association slots. So, when she likes someone, she has to take someone else off the slot-and trashtalk them. Growing up and when her own children were growing up, she disliked her brother and sister. Once in older age, she moved them to the like slot and had no room for her granddaughter or her own daughter. All of a sudden, after dissing them for 40 years, her siblings could do no wrong and she contended that "people change" . But her own flesh and blood grand daughter got dissed from birth. The poor baby did not smile at her, did not run to her, etc. I think the beautiful baby girl did not even burp well enough to suit Artista Aspie. Not once has Artista Aspie considered that perhaps she is not someone anyone would want to run to or smile at--although throw up on ..well that would have been apt!

September 10, 2010 - 5:48am


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