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Hello ScaredEasily -
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so scared...or as you say, freaking out and over paranoid. It sounds as if you haven't, or feel you can't, discuss your situation, or your fears, with your mother, and are turning to us for help.
If you are having sex, you need to be taking responsibility for birth control. As scary as you may find it to just talk about this, you need to find a way to learn more about this and take precautions.

I'm going to suggest some videos that address how to either talk with your mom, or seek out other resources to get education about birth control methods and choose the method that's right for you.




Underneath the fear you're feeling is most likely an intuitive sense that's telling you that you need to be doing more. I applaud your courage in writing in, and wish you the best in overcoming your fears and going forward. Let us know what you decide to do.
Take good care,

October 30, 2009 - 6:42pm


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