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EmpowHER Guest

Jill says:
^^ acts of violence perpetrated against men, because of the inherent power differential between the two sexes. Anyone who is interested in the liberation of oppressed classes should welcome discourse relating to the unique issues raised by violence against women. ^^

Did someone say they don't welcome efforts to help the defenseless and oppressed? (Although to call FGC violence against women is kind of odd since it usually performed BY women).

The most defenseless are infants.

There is NO society cutting females that does not also cut males.

94% of the world's population lives under laws forbidding female genital cutting including even a pin-prick to draw a drop of blood (although yes, they are rarely enforced). 0% of the world protects males from ampuations as haphazard or severe as caregivers wish. (South Africa comes closest with a ban on cutting males under 16, but they make religious exceptions, and they have the highest death rate for those who do get cut.) As a result of indifference to male genital mutilation a male is five times as likely as a female to be robbed of valuable sensual tissue. I acknowledge your struggle, Jill, and support it with my wallet. Please don't dismiss mine.

-Ron Low

November 5, 2009 - 8:36pm


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