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I was on a tour one time with my mom and maybe 20 other people. It was a weeklong tour, so we all got to know each other fairly well. There was a woman there who had permanent makeup, and it was done very well. She had permanent eyeliner, lip color and even cheek color.

Over the course of the week, though, I realized that there were times when it just didn't look "natural." When we were all swimming, for instance, her lips looked too pink. When we were all up at 6 a.m. after a late night and everyone was rumpled and sleepy and dressed hurridly with hair in ponytails for an early bus, her face looked china-doll perfect. And I realized what she'd lost: She'd lost the ability to EVER look "natural."

Cosmetically, she looked perfect. But she'd never see her "natural" face again. That seems like a loss to me. In some ways, the permanent makeup said, "I don't ever want you to see me as I really am."

It made her happy, so who am I to judge? But I guess that's when I realized it wouldn't be for me.

Now, those longer lashes, though, when they find a way to make THAT treatment permanent, let me know.....

November 23, 2009 - 8:50am


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