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EmpowHER Guest

I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now. As everyone else here says. Sex was great for about the first year. But on the 2nd year it started slowing down. He is always tired but yet has the time and energy to stay up and play on his computer. Most of his attention is on that thing. When i ask for his attention he just says "i told you im a big gamer". But he didn't game until after we got together. And when i try to please him he rolls over or moves my hands away. And recently when i confronted him on how i feel about our sex life he called me a chore. I feel too insecure to leave him because we live together and have all these bills together. Ive been talking to other guys just to have a conversation with a guy who's not calling me a chore. Im not talking sexual or anything i just wanted to know if im the crazy one. I dont know what to do anymore. I provide for him so he can live comfortably. But if that's the only reason why hes staying with me i need to find the courage to leave. I wish i was stronger.

December 28, 2015 - 12:56am


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