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hi, i almost decided not to go bcuz i was soo scared but my boyfriend noticed that i was almost crying in pain during math class so he forced me to go, i am at the hospital right now (lap top) we have been here for 5 hours, we waited in the waiting room for just about 2 and a half hours (that sucked so bad but i still had my laptop, so not as much suckageness) then they took me back. my doc did a pelvic exam (i know what it is now, not so fun) but it hurt a lot so she said she could not really get a good idea of what was going on so she waited for pain meds to kick in (about this time my parents came, my bf explained to them what was going on and right now they are here), then they did a blood test and found i was anemic so they gave me iron supplements, and some drug to make the blood stop. but im still bleeding so my doc just told me about 15 minutes ago that she is going to do a d&c (im terrifyed but my bf is trying to calm me down) she said that in about a half hour she is going to do it ;(

January 7, 2010 - 11:01pm


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