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I am so glad that you are doing OK, and were able to get to the doctor in time. I'm so curious why your parents did not believe you that something was really wrong, but maybe that is not worth hashing out.

Will you be seeing a Gynecologist on a regular basis? If so, let us know if you need any help in finding one in your area (I'm sure your Pediatrician and/or family members will have good recommendations). Please know that after you meet with this doctor, it is important that you feel that you have a good rapport with this doctor, and that s/he will listen to you, and that you can feel comfortable calling his/her nurse. Just because your current doctor, mom, aunt, friend...whomever...recommends someone, they may be an excellent doctor but unless you have a good rapport with them (feel like they listen to you, and not treat you like a "child"), then they are not an excellent doctor for YOU. We can help either way.

As Susan said, I hope other women who have gone through this can share their experience. Can you tell us what kind of tumor you had, so other women can respond with the exact same diagnosis?

Take care, and thank you so much for updating us. I'm so happy to hear that you are listening to your body, and advocating for yourself.

January 10, 2010 - 9:15am


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