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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You sound like my twin... hope all worked out for you. I'm a few steps behind you still. I gave up my career for his, too, and am now trying to regain that before I leave with my kids. Some days when he berates me for having an opinion or disagreeing, I just close my eyes and think that someday I'll have a happy, peaceful home with a husband that I'm not afraid of. I'll tell my kind husband stories of how it used to be - how long the silent treatments lasted, the cruel way that he would smile and glare into my eyes when he was saying words that he knew would cut to the bone, the names he would call me for not remembering to buy his favorite soup crackers or for waking him up the first night I had gallstones and needed to go to the ER for surgery, or how he got mad at me a couple days after that surgery and said he wouldn't stay home to let my surgery wounds heal for the 7 days I wasn't supposed to lift anything and left me alone with a 1 year old and 1 month old and I got a hernia in the surgical scar from lifting my kids up and down the stairs and ended up back in the hospital the next day. I was valedictorian of my engineering class in college, born from a mother who believed in feminism and would never let a man talk to her this way. How did I end up here?

September 13, 2016 - 11:58am


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