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(reply to Anonymous)

I gained 20lbs when I hit menopause. After getting my hormones back in balance with The Wiley Protocol, I expected that the weight would drop back down, but it didn't. That's why I usued hcg. It is not just for the significantly obese. I conferred with my doctor first, however. It is safe and effective. I DO get a little annoyed when someone young and in shape asks about using hcg because they have low self esteem. It is NOT for everyone because it will ONLY target abnormal fat reserves. For anyone else, hcg is ineffective and can be dangerous if they limit their diet to 500 calories and have no abnormal fat reserves for the hcg to feed their body with. In my first round, I lost 8 lbs. I only did a 3 week round. Women tend to lose about a half a pound per day. I'm in my 2nd round and have lost another 12 lbs. So, I've finally shed the 20 lbs I put on in menopause. I have another 10 days to go and as long as I have fat reserves, the hcg will work and I won't be hungry and I'll still drop weight.

April 15, 2010 - 4:15pm


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