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EmpowHER Guest

I've made 2 mistakes with my pill:
1st one was last month Jan I took my pills as normal but I forgot to take the last pill in my pack on the Sunday and had sex on the Saturday night so I ended up having an 8 day break and then starting up again as normal. I had a bleed during the 8 day break so I'm assuming pregnancy isn't an issue??
But 2 weeks later I've started getting cramping around my uterus and I don't usually get any feelings of cramping until a couple of days before I have my bleed so I'm a bit unsure as to what it could be.

The second mistake I made was recently which was I forgot to take 2 pills in a row (sat & sun) and had sex on the Saturday night this was week 2 out of my pack I've not made them up though I just carried on taking them from Monday and I'm due a bleed next week hopefully. I'm just wondering what my chances are of pregnancy on both these occasions?

As well as the recent cramping I've been getting really really tired, and I've been getting hot flushes throughout the day.

February 22, 2016 - 10:09am


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