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Yes, a mole does not have to be painful to be removed. In fact, most of the moles removed are NOT painful, and women who are worried about a mole (due to skin cancer, for instance) may have a mole removed by a dermatologist, without the mole being painful (in other words, early forms of skin cancer does not usually include pain as a symptom).

It is actually a great idea to have a Dermatologist check your skin, and you can ask for moles to be removed for cosmetic reasons (there does not have to be a potential medical/health concern).

Lastly, I'm sure you already know this, but I hope you weigh the pros/cons of having moles removed for cosmetic reasons. It's concerning to read that you think women would be staring and pointing at your moles, and that you are comparing yourself to a perception of women with clear backs or some other "perfection" that you see (these women are probably equally self-conscious about another part of their body). Please make the decision for you, not based on your assumptions of what other people may/may not be thinking or noticing about you!

February 21, 2010 - 8:19am


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