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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Lee,
Wow! What a list of symptoms you've been enduring! Just sounds miserable. There is nothing more unnerving than having an array of weird symptoms with no one to put a name and/or pinpoint their origination for them. I remember that all so well, like it was yesterday. I too have been having weird symptoms lately. I have been under such a tremendous amount of stress, and am now sure that that was what was causing this, but for a few weeks I was getting what I think are nocturnal seizures. These would only happen at night, but when I slept, all of a sudden it would feel like someone was ringing my brain out. It would start at the base of the brain and move upward, this twisting feeling, my head would shake uncontrollably (not too hard or fast) but this bobbing (as I describe it), and then I would get extremely dizzy....even though I was lying down....just this room spinning dizziness, and then I would feel very nauseas and weak!! I could hardly walk. I was so scared, for about a week, to even go to sleep, so that I was losing sleep and feeling even worse due lack of sleep. They finally quit (knock on wood) about a week ago....but I have been under so much stress....finished my year long medical billing course, did a 3 week internship, packing a 3-story house alone, taking care of my boys, and am supposed to move this weekend. I'm not surprised that I was having something weird happen to me. My body was simply and is still...so exhausted, that it was giving up and out on me. The separation/divorce is stressful in itself, but to add all the other things to it, it almost unbearable. They scared me though. Especially when they happened on nights when my boys were with their dad and I was alone. I just keep trusting God that things are going to get better and easier.
Keep us posted as to what happens with you and I'll be interested too, to know what they find. Cysts are very peculiar things and cause similar problems in so many people, yet very different symptoms for individuals too. I'm sorry you're having to deal with these.
Talk to you soon and feel better-

August 5, 2010 - 7:20pm


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