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EmpowHER Guest

i am in the same boat EXCEPT I HAVE NO INSURANCE CURRENTLY and am cystic. My last menstrual period was 6/5/2012 and I know that my husband and I were sexually active during my peek time last month. I have all the symptom of pg but have taken 2 tests, both came back negative. I am trying to stay calm and not stress to hared but.......
The last cyst i had removed was so bad that i lost my tube and ovary on the left side. i was told i could not have kids with out help but have had a baby girl and 2 miscarriages since then (2008). I really want to get blood tests done but they cost. i also am terrified of hearing i have another CYST W/O THE ABILITY TO GET TREATMENT. I figured I have missed cycles now so I can wait at least one more. By 3-4 months gestation I'm sure there will be no question, based on the information Alison posted above, whether its a baby or something else. In the mean time I pray hubby can get promoted back to full time benefits or we find cheap coverage. How long is it okay for me to wait?

August 18, 2012 - 9:24pm


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