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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you so. Much for sharing the story of your daughter. My husband suffered cardiac arrest in March, and 3 different neurologists told me to "pull the plug and save many lives...that he would remain a vegetative state" I told them that they didn't know my husband, and the didn't know God...miracles happen everyday and we would get ours. After 7 weeks in a drug induced coma, my husband "woke up". Like your daughter, it was a slow process, but with faith and my family support, he is now in in inpatient rehab hospital, learning to do all the basics that we take for granted and he will be coming home soon. He can talk, walk, and I am seeing little pieces of his personality come back. He has overcome so much...and I thank God everyday for the miracle that he is granting us. I know He is not finished yet, I have to believe that God would not have brought him this far to stop here. I hope and pray that he will have a full recovery. Thank you for sharing your story...there are not enough survivor stories out there with this,...yet many "statistics ". It is nice to hear that one is not alone in this. May God continue to bless and protect you and your family.

June 19, 2017 - 7:54pm


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