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I had a car accident back in November of 2009, where I fractured my talus bone, along with many other injuries. I went through subtalar fusion August 27, 2014, with high hopes all would go well. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The screw that was placed began to back out more than an inch within the first 2 months after surgery. I had that removed in January of 2015. Since then I have discovered the bones are not fusing and I will need to go through the surgery again, this time using bone grafts from my hip as opposed to donor bone. I am looking at another 10 weeks non-weight bearing as well as the physical therapy and other healing involved. My upcoming surgery is scheduled for August 28, 2015. I'd love some feedback on more positive results than I have had. It was hard going through it the first time, I am struggling with the thought of doing it again.

August 6, 2015 - 8:27pm


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