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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I had my fusion Sept 2nd. The pain from the surgery itself wasn't bad. Once I got out of cast into walking boot I couldn't walk in walking boot at all it was so painful. I scheduled appt week before my scheduled appt to get out of boot and Dr let me out of boot week early. Of course person I am I had to go all or nothing and couldn't wait to get home to get in shoe. I then just walked in shoe major pain major swelling. I couldn't get left side of foot to feel like it was hitting foot everything felt tight. So I showed up to therapist and they werent happy with severe swollen ankle and walking like I was dieing lol which I certainly felt like I was as I forgot my crutches! Who forgets their crutches geeze lol Therapist told me I need to go back into boot and gradually come out. Well that was week ago and now so hard to walk in shoe for more then 5 minutes. I did get my achilles tendon shortened and I think now that is my big battle as far as pain goes. Hurts sitting, laying down, walking anything. Do yourself a favor go easy. Dont over do it. The days you feel good and think you can conquer the world meaning cleaning etc lol you will only find the next few days you are going to pay for it! I can not be on my foot without boot for more then 5 minutes or so and in boot although I can finally walk in it maybe 30 minutes. It will hurt while walking still in boot. Dont sit long periods of time with leg down swelling is sure to come. Try to elevate (above heart) ice as much as possible. Do exercises therapist gives you. Wish you the best.

November 17, 2015 - 7:49pm


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