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Hi Anonymous-

Any time you have unprotected sex you risk pregnancy, no matter where you are in your menstrual cycle. The time between ovulation and your period is your most fertile time, however, and it sounds like that is where you might be.

You do not say whether you used the Plan B. Read the directions carefully, and if you have questions, contact your pharmacist. The National Institutes of Health has a good explanation of Plan B: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007014.htm

I would also suggest you make an appointment with your gynecologist to discuss birth control if you plan to remain sexually active and do not want to get pregnant. In addition, you might consider testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Partners can carry them and not realize it, and if you have unprotected sex you can be at risk of infection.

The easiest way to avoid pregnancy is to plan ahead and take control of your sex life. If you plan to have sex, plan ahead as to how you will prevent pregnancy. Some methods require a back up method or a little time before they work, so it is better to not be in the heat of the moment trying to figure out what to do. If you consult a health care provider for education and discussion of your goals, you can make a plan that will take this sort of pressure off.

If finances for reproductive health and education are an issue for you, Planned Parenthood has sliding scale fees to assist in women's health and education. Whether you want birth control, plan to abstain or want to get pregnant, this is an excellent resource. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/

Good luck.

April 18, 2010 - 2:39pm


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