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Hi Susan,

Hope you're well! Really sorry if this a bit much but I absolutely need advice :)

I had a condom split with my bf at the beginning of January and took the morning after pill 24 hours later. I took a pregnancy test two weeks later and it was negative. We then had unprotected sex but he did not ejaculate in me during late February (around 21st-26th) and I did not take the pill.
Had another condom split on April 1st! I took the pill April 2nd. Then I received what I thought my was my period the same day. I spotted that day. It stopped and carried on 3 days later, getting heavier with clots - slight start and pause over the days. Was a total of 7 days. I usually get heavy periods that last 7 days but it wasn't heavy but it was enough to think it was my period.

2 weeks after taking the pill, which is a week before my period is due - i had sore nipples the entire week, many changes in cervical mucus, clear stretchy egg white to sticky and thick, creamy and then stretchy again. I am also very gassy and lately have been cramping. Also had other symptoms but those were what I noticed most.

This month, my period has not come. I am 5 days late if that was my period in April. I cannot exactly remember when I started my period in March but it was possibly around mid March. I've also been quite stressed throughout this all.

I took a pregnancy test a day before my period was due, day of my period and a day after which were all negative (Clear Blue). I went out to get a Superdrug one. I tested the day after and got what I think is a positive? except there were 2 lines in the positive window running horizontal instead of vertical (the control line was dark) after about 4 minutes it began to fade.

I plan to go to the doctors on the weekend but I know they will make me reschedule an appointment for a blood test in the later weeks but I really need answers.

Thank you very much.


May 7, 2015 - 12:33pm


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