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Im 28 and had PR right before Christmas. At first it wasn't so bad, had it over my stomach and back, then it just got worse and worse. Same as everyone else, went to doctor to be told nothing he could do so I took Benadryl at night so I wouldn't itch. Its the itching that is the worse. After 5 weeks, It had spread on my arms and I had it really bad on my thighs and back... But my concern was that I was going down south for 2 weeks! Doctor said, sun will help but not too much. So I went down south and put sunscreen like crazy because I didn't want to get sunburn & I hid from the sun in the beginning... a bit of sun but no too much. I have to say, that I believe the salt water combination with the sun healed me. It started to get "crusty" and it peeled off... after a week, i was completely cure. The ONLY issue.... I now have white patches everywhere lol. Since i tanned, and when the PR cured, all the spots where i had PR peeled off and i have untanned skin under. My bf says I look like a cow lol. but i'm happy the itching is gone :)
I would say it lasted about 6/7 weeks total. I do believe sun will help you and if you live somewhere where you have access to the sea, go swim!

February 2, 2013 - 10:50pm


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